THE Digest
with marla
Nourishing Recipes — Favorite Products — Shared Wisdom — Humble Musings
Oh What I Learned, 10 Years Later…
Every year I tell myself that I am going to write about my cancer, that I am going to share my story… and every year, I don’t do it. This year is different, this year is a milestone. Today I celebrate 10 years of being cancer free.
You Already Possess All You Need to Be Genuinely Happy
These words resonate with me. They have ever since I first read them upon a kitschy piece of art with 2 glass stars, a tiny rolled note with an unknown message, and a few other good luck objects floating around inside its boxed frame.
The Umbrella Over My Head
I often imagine an umbrella over my head. I clearly see the triangular seams of this umbrella divided into different thoughts, concepts, ideas, emotions, and choices. My umbrella protects me from myself. It protects me from runaway thoughts and allows me to reframe my moments one notion at a time. I hold tightly the handle and breathe deeply when decisions of challenge come my way.
A Fluffy Cloud of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is an awareness of anything and everything. It happens when we pause, when we hold space, when we create stillness.
365 Days Later
Marking my 1 year anniversary of daily meditation 10 minutes every morning.
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