You Already Possess All You Need to Be Genuinely Happy


These words resonate with me. They have ever since I first read them upon a kitschy piece of art with 2 glass stars, a tiny rolled note with an unknown message, and a few other good luck objects floating around inside its boxed frame.

The expression with a washed-out wooden frame hung inside of my very first apartment where I read the message daily. The valuable sentiment of author Sarah Ban Breathnach remains a truth near and dear to my heart. It now hangs inside my closet to personally remind me I really do possess all I need to be genuinely happy.  We all do. Whether it's deep down or sitting on the surface it is time to connect with the part of you that believes. The part that knows there is more to life than our own energy. The external influences bind to us. The internal thoughts direct us.

We are all bigger than any thought that enters our mind. The mind is meant to think, that is its job. Our job is to choose what to do with those thoughts with awareness and wisdom. 

Next time you notice a thought, are aware of your internal chatter, PAUSE, and pay attention. Notice the tone, the intention, the motivation, and the incarnation of thinking. It is at that moment you have options, countless options. Take advantage of your truth and choose the choice for you. Choose YOU. Embracing your mind, body and spirit will lead you in the direction of your dreams. When you dig deep and produce the strength to move forward, you produce that strength to love and to commit. And then, it is time to remind yourself that you already possess all you need to be genuinely happy.

Marla Kaftan

Marla is an Integrative Health and Wellness Coach, certified by The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She focuses on a whole-person natural approach to health and wellness. She helps people step into their full potential by optimizing life balance. Marla is passionate about empowering her clients to create healthy, sustainable habits that lead to authentic living.

Marla has experienced her own successful health journey after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. At that time Marla’s three children ages, 11, 10 and 7 as well as her husband all adapted and supported Marla’s continued direction towards ultimate health and wellness. The belief that health is a journey and not a destination continues to provide Marla with passion and ambition to empower others to seek whole-person elevated living.

Marla’s theory consists of addressing all facets of one’s life to find balance and success. She coaches each person based on their individual goals and unique qualities while focusing on eating whole nutritious foods and achieving less stress, more restorative sleep, increased movement, and greater human connections. She embodies kindness, care and insight into every person she works with.

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