A Fluffy Cloud of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is an awareness of anything and everything. It happens when we pause, when we hold space, when we create stillness.
Once, when the calendar flipped to the new year, I chose to make only one all encompassing resolution. And that was to “Be Mindful.” That was over 10 years ago. At that time, I was unaware of the meaning of mindfulness. What I was aware of was that Oprah talked about it and anything Oprah talked about, made me want to know more. I began exploring the idea and have not stopped. I bought a book and I created a fluffy cloud full of mindfulness over my head. As time marched forward, I recognized mindfulness began to plant itself in my thoughts and in my actions. Fast forward to the now and mindfulness has become a way of life for me.
I am mindful about what I consume, including food eaten, words expressed and purchases made. I am mindful about my breath, my sleep, my movement and my safety. And when I’m not, I recognize those moments of not being mindful that foolishness and carelessness present. It’s the moments that follow those times that I am reminded of the importance of staying in the moment with complete presence and absolute awareness.
What are some ideas to consider to trend in the direction of being mindful? A few of my favorites are suggested below.
The power of the breath is free and available to us anytime anywhere.
Awareness creates opportunity to be in the moment.
Awareness of all 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, sound and sight) opens up opportunity.
On the other side of mindfulness lays choice, feelings and fulfillment. These ideas and ideals lead to joy, contentment and love. I look forward to exploring together how being mindful optimizes life and longevity.