THE Digest
with marla
Nourishing Recipes — Favorite Products — Shared Wisdom — Humble Musings

Time for a Shave, Shaved Asparagus Salad
Visiting farmer’s markets early in the season always are inspiring. They contain the buzz of spring produce, the bark of new puppies and the smell of sweet flowers. My creativity gets stimulated to head into the kitchen with the produce of nature’s moment. The bountiful asparagus caught my eye at the market this week.

Dressing under Roasted Cabbage
Dressing on the bottom allows the cabbage to shine on the top. Whether it’s the simplicity of the roasted cabbage or the combination of flavors with the dressing, this one is bright and tasty.

One Less Decision
This time of year, really any time of year, we make SO MANY DECISIONS. From the moment we open our eyes until we close them at night, we are choosing choices. Some choices are of the yes/no variety and most of them are the infinite option kind. Finding ways to reduce the number of choices we make daily will reduce stress, create time and calm nerves.

Hot Soups are Fall Smoothies
During the summer months I find myself seeking a cool smoothie spun with berries, greens and lots of other nuts, seeds and healthy powders to quickly satisfy my craving for something healthy. Now as the leaves change colors and the temperatures drop, my desire for a cool smoothie subsides and I turn towards the fall version…HOT SOUP.

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